(shadows) pub

December 13 2019

More fun news today: my four part short short sequence (my flash fiction quadriptych) titled (shadows) has completed its four-day publication on Defenestrationism's website. you can check it out here.

Make sure, also, to read the other stories in this year's contest, and when voting comes around, vote for your faves

Hopefully more good publication news to come.

Song for a Father pub

August 30 2019

Oh how time moves: I’ve been published in Vamp Cat for a month or so now, and I didn’t realize.

You can check out a link to the story here. It’s called Song for a Father. It’s an obvious retelling, but I still like it.

I've also added a publications section to my sidebar now, which you can also see here.

Fred Shaw Prize

April 26 2019

Just a quick update, one I still find difficult to believe:

This week a story of mine was awarded the Fred Shaw prize for fiction at my graduate school, University of Miami. What does this mean? I don’t know. I’m still trying to figure that out. In a very practical sense though, it means of the ten or so stories submitted to the contest, all from fellow students in my program, mine was picked as the winner, and I have been awarded a small amount of money and three small notebooks, which is nice, and more than I’d ever expect.

The winning story–“The Poor Man Needs No Capital”–has not been published yet, so anyone who’s stumbled upon this page (I don’t know if anyone has yet), if you’d like to read it, shoot me an email (hit the contact link on the side), and I’ll send you a copy to read. Once the story’s published, I’ll update this with a link to where you can read it online, or order a copy.

This a very exciting small surprise.